一. What is Easy Fan Lashes?

1. You can graft the eyelash styles with thicker makeup at the same time.

2. It can increase the speed of grafting

3. It can reduce the burden on eyelashes

4. Through special tweezers (it must be super-precision hand-polished tip, closed tip, hollow tweezers)

Take multiple eyelashes at one time, and graft the roots. ,
Generally, taking 3 roots at a time is called 3D flowering, taking 5 roots at a time is 5D flowering, and so on.

二. The Difference Between Easy Fan Lashes

1. The Characteristics of Desktop Easy Fan Lashes
The flower shape is beautiful, the root is thin and the flower is big, it is open and connected.

2. The Characteristics of Japanese Easy Fan Lashes
The flower type is relatively small, the roots are thin, and the flowers are usually bloomed in advance before grafting.

三. What matters should be paid attention to during Easy Fanning Lashes grafting?

1. The flowers are not big:
The flower is not drawn obliquely enough (pull to the right at a 70° angle or the tip of the tweezers is not fit enough). The tip of the tweezers must fit the eyelashes. Do not leave the tweezers empty.

2. Root part fork:
Push the flower to the left too hard or push the flower to the left too fast.

3. Actions to improve the pattern if the pattern is not correct:
Gently press the thumb to the palm to allow the forceps to achieve a dislocation effect, and the pattern will naturally be straight.

3. The characteristics of Easy Fan Lashes
No technique required, small flowers can be bloomed at will, with glue on the roots, thick roots.

四. Reasons for condensation after Easy Fan Lashes

1. Reasons for too small flowering:
I felt quite big when the flowers were blooming, but when I turned around, I took the glue and grafted them. The flowers were gone? I really want to match a "face crying" emoticon here.

One of the reasons: the flowers are small or the tweezers have the wrong point

If the flower blooms too small without destroying the elasticity of multiple eyelashes, it will shrink slowly, which means that you have to continue to work hard to practice the technique

2. Reasons for using slow-drying glue:

Experts can bloom in one second, and then quickly take glue for grafting. Finally, you can open a "big flower" that you think is OK, and then slowly take the glue, and then the glue is not strong enough. Dry slowly. With the appearance of wire drawing and glue drops, the use of slow-drying glue will also affect flowering and condensation.

Normally, the glue on the market is quick-drying in one second, two seconds, and three seconds. If you are a novice, you can do it in three seconds or five seconds.

Four problems of blooming are solved:
1. Incorrect flower type-wrong hair removal and flowering force

2. The flower type is not big enough-the tweezers are wrong (not all tweezers can bloom large flowers)

3. Loose roots and bifurcation-too much force/tweezers leak hair

4. The shrinkage is good-the glue is too slow to dry

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